Welcome to the third installment of 7 Days of WrestleMania! This one is sure to spark discussion, because it's my top five matches in WrestleMania history! Unlike my first two lists, the same wrestler will be eligible to make the list more than once (SPOILER: one wrestler makes more than one appearance). This was, undoubtedly, the most difficult list to compose yet. I wanted to have about fifteen honorable mentions, but I limited myself to just three. So, if one of your favorite Mania matches didn't end up even as an honorable mention, either your wrestling tastes suck or I just didn't want to write out an honorable mention blurb for it. Anyway, on to the list.
Honorable Mention - Daniel Bryan vs Triple H w/ Stephanie McMahon (WrestleMania 30)
This, by a VERY slim margin, is my second favorite opening match in WrestleMania history. The way they managed to keep the finish unpredictable despite most of us believing we knew that Bryan was going to win was marvelous, and the wrestling in the match was just flat-out unbelievable. Those who don't think Triple H is one of the greatest wrestlers of all time are insane, and we all knew Bryan would be able to bring it. Also, I think the finish itself was a thing of beauty. Rather than most WWE matches, there was no big angle to close the match. It was just a simple wrestling sequence that Bryan got the better of. Brilliant.
Honorable Mention - Edge w/ Lita vs Mick Foley (WrestleMania 22)
It's very possible that this is the match I've seen the most times throughout my life. It's short, and boy is it sweet. There's never been a more perfect match to put somebody over, and while I'm typically not a fan of the brutal spots you'd find in deathmatch promotions, the things Edge and Foley did in the match didn't quite go over that line. They kept it just clean enough to keep me interested, and this must be the greatest finish spot to a match in WrestleMania history.
Honorable Mention - The Rock vs Stone Cold Steve Austin (WrestleMania 17)
I'm one of the people in the minority, in that I LOVED the Austin turn. But then again, I'm also in the minority by saying that I found Austin pretty boring and predictable from 1998 to 2000. So, when Austin switched from the unstoppable babyface to the power-hungry, attention-craving psychotic SOB, it was the best he'd ever been in my eyes. Plus, the sheer level of excitement and incredible build-up behind this match was unbelievable. (THIS TIME IMMA LET IT ALL COME OUT)
#5 - Chris Benoit vs Triple H vs Shawn Michaels (WrestleMania 20)
The... uhhh... "end" aside, Chris Benoit was a tremendous wrestler. As was Shawn Michaels. As was and is Triple H. So there was really no way this could go wrong. And it didn't. As the main event of, at the time, the biggest WrestleMania ever, this match did not disappoint. Despite almost five hours of wrestling before it, they managed not only to keep the crowd's attention, but had them leaping out of their seats for the majority of the last ten minutes of the match. There's not much to be said for this match that somebody else hasn't said before. So, yeah.
#4 - Edge and Christian vs Dudley Boyz vs Hardy Boyz (WrestleMania 17)
Was it a spotfest? Yes. Was it the greatest spotfest in the history of professional wrestling? Absolutely. It was one of those matches where you're willing to suspend your disbelief for the sake of an amazing spot. "Oh, why are the Dudleys setting up four tables instead of trying to win the match?" "Because it's going to be dope as fuck when somebody goes through those." "Sounds good to me." Like that. Oh, and the best spot in WrestleMania history happened in this match. Maybe wrestling history. No big deal.
#3 - Owen Hart vs Bret Hart (WrestleMania 10)
Remember in the honorable mentions when I said Triple H vs Daniel Bryan was my second favorite WrestleMania opening match? Well, here's number one. What must be said about this match? Bret, searching for revenge after having his leg kicked out of his leg (wink) at the hands of his brother Owen, comes up short in a technical masterpiece. Bret, to me, was just alright, but Owen is the fucking best. And there's no doubt that these two brought out the best in each other. What a match.
#2 - Shawn Michaels vs The Undertaker (WrestleMania 25)
Well, WWE themselves named this the greatest match in the history of professional wrestling. So there's that. In all honesty though, it very well might be. This match had everything. Do you like crazy spots? Undertaker almost dies on a dive to the outside. Do you like when wrestling fucks with your emotions? Shawn Michaels kicks out of a Tombstone in the closest nearfall I've ever seen. How about submissions? Aerial moves? SUPERKICKS? EVERYTHING. EVERYTHING!!!!! Yet, it's still only number two to me... hmmm....
#1 - Shawn Michaels vs Kurt Angle (WrestleMania 21)
There's a reason they call him Mr. WrestleMania. Shawn Michaels is, to me, the greatest professional wrestler of all time. (Even though he's not my favorite ever. Does that make sense?) Anyway, if HBK is the greatest ever, Kurt Angle must be pretty fucking close. Even as a seven year old who couldn't possibly have given less of a shit about in-ring work, I was metaphorically foaming at the mouth for the prospect of these two facing each other. The difference between Undertaker/Michaels and Angle/Michaels is the intensity that Kurt Angle brought to the match compared to the presence that Undertaker brought. I personally preferred Angle's borderline insane approach. It really kicked the match up a notch, especially in the closing moments as he wrenches The Showstopper in the Ankle Lock. That moment can't be topped. It's rare that there's a match this long without lulls in the action, but they did it. Overall, it's just the perfect storm. Everything I love about wrestling in one package.
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